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Check Flutter SDK for Update Manually

Hello friends, Recently when I was running flutter project, Then I need to learn something from flutter official website. Though I visited the website and saw that there are a new flutter SDK stable version launched officially. The next thing came into my mind is let's update my own flutter SDK to latest version manually. I am sharing all the process step by step to upgrade flutter sdk old version to latest version.

Check Flutter SDK for Update Manually:

1. First thing is you need to do is put the flutter SDK Bin folder path in Environment Variables. I have already defined all the process in my flutter installation tutorial HERE. Just visit the tutorial and Go To Step 5.
2. If you don't want to setup Flutter SDK bin folder Path then all you need to do is open Terminal in Your Flutter SDK / Bin folder.
3. Execute flutter upgrade command to check for flutter SDK update. This command works in all the operating system platforms like Windows, MAC and Linux.
flutter upgrade
Screenshot of Terminal:
Check Flutter SDK for Update Manually
Wait for few minutes and it will start downloading all the required tool from it's official server.
After few minutes of downloading and installing all the tools it will show you a success message.
